Tebe Mini 52 m²
Usable floor area: 51.98 m²
Building area: 69.83 m²
Total area: 69.83 m²
Net area: 51.98 m²
Gross volume: 314.54 m³
Roof area: 106.61 m²
A depression angle of a roof: 30 °
Building height: 5.71 m
Elevation width: 9.99 m
The length of the facade: 6.99 m
Min.lot width: 16.99 m
Min.plot length: 15.89 m
Construction without assembly:
- technological project,
- Frame construction wooden walls 22cm wide, upholstered with OSB board on the outside,
- The frame structure of the ceiling with a thickness of 22cm,
- Rafter and collar beam structure of the roof.
On the side of the Investor/Ordering Party:
- construction assembly,
- Construction design and adaptation to the plot,
- Notification of construction or obtaining a building permit,
- Hiring or assuming the function of site manager and setting up a site log,
- Preparation of the foundation slab or footings in accordance with the design,
- All installations,
- Insulation, closing and finishing of the walls of the i stropu building,
- Execution of external connections,
Elementy bez montażu:
- Projekt technologiczny,
- Prefabrykowane ściany zewnętrzne z przygotowanymi peszlami pod instalację elektryczną, wypełnione wełną mineralną i zamknięte z obu stron płytą Fermacell
Grubość ścian: 27cm, - Prefabrykowane ściany wewnętrzne parteru z przygotowanymi peszlami pod instalację elektryczną,
- Konstrukcja ramowa stropu o gr. 22cm,
- Konstrukcja krokwiowo – jętkowa dachu.
Po stronie Inwestora/Zamawiającego:
- Montaż elementów,
- Projekt budowlany i adaptacja do działki,
- Zgłoszenie budowy lub uzyskanie pozwolenia na budowę,
- Zatrudnienie lub objęcie funkcji kierownika budowy i założenia dziennika budowy,
- Przygotowanie płyty fundamentowej lub ław fundamentowych zgodnie z projektem,
- Wszelkie instalacje,
- Zamknięcie i docieplenie stropu,
- Gipsowanie, szpachlowanie i szlifowanie ścian oraz sufitu,
- Wykończenie – malowanie ścian, biały montaż,
- Wykonanie elewacji,
- Wykonanie przyłączy zewnętrznych,
Raw state open:
- technological project,
- Frame construction of external walls made of spruce wood, 22 cm thick, closed from the outside with Fermacell board,
- Insulation of external walls with Styrofoam with a thickness of 10cm,
+ mesh, glue and decorative plaster "lamb" - white, - Frame construction of internal walls made of 9 cm thick spruce wood,
- The frame structure of the ceiling with a thickness of 22cm,
- Rafter and collar beam structure of the roof.
- Roofing - Blachotrapez metal roof tiles, anthracite, black or burgundy color,
- KROP gutters (Manufacturer: Blachotrapez), 2 downpipes,
- Assembly of prefabricated elements (up to 100 km),
- Installation of roofing and guttering,
On the side of the Investor/Ordering Party:
- Construction design and adaptation to the plot,
- Notification of construction or obtaining a building permit,
- Hiring or assuming the function of site manager and setting up a site log,
- Preparation of the foundation slab or footings in accordance with the design,
- Purchase and installation of windows and doors,
- All installations,
- Insulation and closing of walls i stropu,
- Execution of external connections,
- Organizing/covering the costs of transporting materials, HDSa and accommodation for the assembly team.
Shell open PLUS:
- technological project,
- Prefabricated external frame walls filled with mineral wool and closed on both sides with Fermacell board, inside conduits for electrical installations
Wall thickness: 27cm - Insulation of external walls with Styrofoam with a thickness of 10cm,
+ mesh, glue and decorative plaster "lamb" - white, - Prefabricated internal frame walls filled with mineral wool and closed on both sides with Fermacell boards, inside conduits for electrical installations
Wall thickness: 11cm - The frame structure of the ceiling with a thickness of 22cm,
- Rafter and collar beam structure of the roof.
- Roofing - Blachotrapez metal roof tiles, anthracite, black or burgundy color,
- KROP gutters (Manufacturer: Blachotrapez), 2 downpipes,
- Assembly of prefabricated elements (up to 100 km),
- Installation of roofing and guttering,
On the side of the Investor/Ordering Party:
- Construction design and adaptation to the plot,
- Notification of construction or obtaining a building permit,
- Hiring or assuming the function of site manager and setting up a site log,
- Preparation of the foundation slab or footings in accordance with the design,
- Purchase and installation of windows and doors,
- All installations,
- Closing and insulation of the ceiling,
- Plastering, puttying and sanding of walls and ceiling,
- Finishing - wall painting, white assembly,
- Execution of external connections,
- Organizing/covering the costs of transporting materials, HDSa and accommodation for the assembly team.
Raw condition closed:
- technological project,
- Frame construction of external walls made of 22 cm thick spruce wood, covered with Fermacell board on the outside,
- Insulation of external walls with Styrofoam with a thickness of 10cm,
+ mesh, glue and decorative plaster "lamb" - white, - Frame construction of internal walls made of 9 cm thick spruce wood,
- The frame structure of the ceiling with a thickness of 22cm,
- Rafter and collar beam structure of the roof.
- Roofing - Blachotrapez metal roof tiles, anthracite, black or burgundy color,
- KROP gutters (Manufacturer: Blachotrapez), 2 downpipes,
- Assembly of prefabricated elements (up to 100 km),
- DRUTEX IGLO 5 3-pane window joinery with assembly, color on both sides to choose from gr. AND,
- Entrance doors with assembly,
- assembly of the whole,
On the side of the Investor/Ordering Party:
- Construction design and adaptation to the plot,
- Notification of construction or obtaining a building permit,
- Hiring or assuming the function of site manager and setting up a site log,
- Preparation of the foundation slab or footings in accordance with the design,
- All installations,
- Insulation and closing of walls and ceiling,
- Execution of external connections,
- Organizing/covering the costs of transporting materials, HDSa and accommodation for the assembly team.
Shell closed PLUS:
- technological project,
- Prefabricated external frame walls filled with mineral wool and closed on both sides with Fermacell board, inside conduits for electrical installations
Wall thickness: 27cm - Insulation of external walls with Styrofoam with a thickness of 10cm,
+ mesh, glue and decorative plaster "lamb" - white, - Prefabricated internal frame walls filled with mineral wool and closed on both sides with Fermacell boards, inside conduits for electrical installations
Wall thickness: 11cm - The frame structure of the ceiling with a thickness of 22 cm, filled with mineral wool and closed from the bottom with GK boards,
- Rafter and collar beam structure of the roof,
- Roofing - Blachotrapez metal roof tiles, anthracite, black or burgundy color,
- KROP gutters (Manufacturer: Blachotrapez), 2 downpipes,
- Assembly of prefabricated elements (up to 100 km),
- DRUTEX IGLO 5 3-pane window joinery with assembly, color on both sides to choose from gr. AND,
- Steel external window sills,
- Entrance doors with assembly,
- Installation of roofing and guttering,
On the side of the Investor/Ordering Party:
- Construction design and adaptation to the plot,
- Notification of construction or obtaining a building permit,
- Hiring or assuming the function of site manager and setting up a site log,
- Preparation of the foundation slab or footings in accordance with the design,
- All installations,
- Plastering, puttying and grinding of walls and ceiling,
- Finishing - wall painting, white assembly,
- Execution of external connections,
- Organizing/covering the costs of transporting materials, HDSa and accommodation for the assembly team.